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What is the purpose of Vibroacoustic Treatment in the treatment of lung disorders




The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a prevalent cause of respiratory failure among critically ill patients, characterized by the sudden onset of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, hypoxemia, and the requirement for mechanical ventilation. ARDS commonly manifests in the context of pneumonia, sepsis, aspiration of gastric contents, or severe trauma, affecting around 10% of all patients in intensive care units globally. Despite advancements, the mortality rate remains high at 30–40% in most research studies. Pathological examinations of ARDS patients frequently indicate widespread alveolar damage, while laboratory investigations have revealed injury to both alveolar epithelial and lung endothelial cells, leading to the accumulation of protein-rich inflammatory edematous fluid in the alveolar space. The diagnosis is predicated on consensual syndromic criteria, with adjustments for under-resourced settings and pediatric patients. Therapy primarily centers on lung-protective ventilation, as no specific pharmacotherapies have been pinpointed. The long-term implications for patients surviving ARDS are increasingly being recognized as crucial research targets, given the substantial number of patients who endure ongoing functional and psychological sequelae following ARDS survival. Acute lung injury (ALI) and the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) represent clinical conditions associated with acute respiratory failure, characterized by significant morbidity and mortality. Long-term quality of life in survivors of ALI is known to be adversely affected. While recent progress has been achieved in comprehending the epidemiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of these conditions, further advancements are imperative to minimize associated morbidity and mortality. Given the prevalence of this syndrome on a global scale, it is evidently an unmet medical requirement, necessitating the development of innovative therapies to enhance clinical outcomes. This Article analyse the newly evolved treatment technology for curing Acute lung injury (ALI) and the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).[1] This Article analyze how new technology is better than old technology



Deficiencies in current treatment

Current issue in treatment: Conventional chest physiotherapy techniques such as postural drainage and percussion, along with existing devices such as the "Percussionaire" and "CoughAssist," have been subject to criticism due to being uncomfortable, labor-intensive, and unsuitable for certain patient populations, particularly those who have undergone thoracic or cardiovascular surgery. Current treatments entail employing lung recruitment maneuvers involving high levels of positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP), which may result in lung tissue damage and associated complications.

Treatment using vibroacoustic methods

This method was granted patent in 2024 , "Vibroresonance-Recruitment-Manoeuvre" technique could be a game-changer in the treatment of restrictive pulmonary diseases, offering a comprehensive solution for various types of patients while minimizing discomfort and preventing further complications. vibroacoustic effects promote the opening of atelectatic alveoli, which are collapsed or deflated air sacs in the lungs. This approach is intended to prevent atelectasis and maintain the alveoli in an open state, thereby improving lung function in patients with these conditions. The use of vibroacoustic influence is seen as a safer and more effective alternative to traditional Lung Recruitment Manoeuvres that rely on high levels of Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP), which can be risky and cause further lung damage. The divice invented in 2024 helps to  prevent atelectasis and maintain alveoli in an open state without the need for high peak airway pressure, thus reducing the risk of lung injury.


"Vibroresonance-Recruitment-Manoeuvre" technique, which applies vibrations and resonance within a frequency range of 20 Hz to 300 Hz, is designed to prevent atelectasis and improve lung volume, thus reducing the risk of hypostatic pneumonia and other complications. This method can be used in conjunction with artificial pulmonary ventilation or non-invasive ventilation, tailored to the patient's condition.

The newly invented  device, which can replace manual chest massages, significantly enhances sputum evacuation efficiency, reducing treatment sessions to less than 5 minutes. It features a main module with interchangeable transducers that generate complex modulating signals for optimal physiological effect. The device is versatile, allowing for application through clothing and adjustment for different patient conditions, including synchronization with respiratory cycles.

The “"Vibrowrap," facility which is  an attachment with vibroacoustic transducers in two arms, designed for bedridden patients or those with chest wall injuries. It can be positioned to target specific lung areas and is made of easy-to-clean, disinfectable materials to prevent bacterial contamination.

The invention includes various embodiments for different patient positions and conditions, with in-built optical sensors to ensure proper contact and prevent premature wear. The device is customizable with pre-installed treatment programs for various pulmonary diseases.[2]





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